Dubai 10x
10X Initiatives by DAFZ

1st blockchain enabled free zone in the world
- Connecting a very complex eco system to transform the customer experience
- Creating a single gateway that offers end-to-end transparent, seamless and trusted services

Global digitalized marketplace
- Cloud based engine driven by Articial Intelligence and Blockchain technologies
- Trading faster than the blink of a human eye

- Arif will be a virtual customer service agent available anytime and can be deployed anywhere in the world
- Creating Arti‑cial Intelligence (AI) will transform the way businesses operate at DAFZ
- Opening up additional channels of revenue.

- FZExchange open to all FZCOs globally
- Making equity capital raising viable for FZCO’s
- Adding AED 1.5 Billion value to Dubai’s Economy

- Virtual, real-time, programmable laboratory built on the framework of open business APIs
- Creating and accelerating the 10X Projects of Tomorrow